Hello and welcome to Freedom in Form!

My name is Molly and I’m thrilled to have you to my corner of the internet.

Freedom in form

Freedom In Form is a high-level immersive for flutists wanting to jumpstart a period of creative growth.

Our time together offers a profoundly supportive space where your intrinsic brilliance is unearthed so you may step fully into your artistry.

Whether you are here to reclaim a joyful relationship with music, build a stable and adaptable foundation of tone, technique and phrasing, or to explore what it means to express your unique voice — you’re in the right place.

Freedom In Form is a 6-month 1:1 immersive dedicated to mastery and authenticity.

I work with people on many levels — embodied expression, skill development, optimal coordination, nervous system, energy — so our time together is truly a period of accelerated growth where expectations are exceeded and breakthroughs are the norm.

I love getting to see everything that blossoms and becomes possible for my clients as a result of the massive expansion that occurs during this time.

Clients arrive with unique goals such as:

Wishing to develop your own style and authentic voice

Wanting music to feel vibrant and fun again

Craving a major boost after a period without performing

Wanting to play by ear and get free from sheet music

Wanting Irish sessions and workshops to feel calm and accessible

Reorienting to music after Classical auditions and too much rigidity

Having quick access to a foundation of tone, technique and rhythm

Making a smooth transition from Boehm flute to wooden flute

Creating unique textures and harmonies to play with your band

I greatly value versatility in my playing and have always been drawn to many types of flutes and styles of music. I love to study a tradition deeply — its history, culture, nuance in phrasing — before I am inevitably drawn to what exists just beyond those borders.

I have performed internationally and across the US in contemporary art music, Irish traditional, solo performances, Galician traditional, Bolivian traditional, and Classical ensembles. I have also taught at CalArts, the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, the Greater Hartford Academy of Performing Arts, Folk Alliance International Music Camp and have run a private studio for 20 years.

Clients have reported:

  • feeling excited to play again!

  • transformed relationship to tone and rhythm

  • greatly improved sleep

  • anxiety and depression relief

  • exceptionally productive practice time

  • increase in energy, creativity and motivation

  • chronic pain alleviation

  • enhanced understanding of the body-resonance connection

  • uncovering a deep sense of trust and belief in oneself

  • increase in curiosity

  • clarity of Purpose

  • A Completely transformed relationship to playing

    “While I did have the key elements, my playing lacked a robust flow and lift that I admire. What transpired was a completely transformed relationship to playing and, very importantly, to rhythm and tone. Molly’s extraordinary insights into my concepts of tone, rhythm and the role and execution of articulations led to a completely new relationship to rhythm that has had a huge effect on my playing. I am delighted that I trusted that the container process would yield positive results and delighted with the results. I recommend it highly.”


  • A healthier approach

    “I have the direction I was lacking because Molly gave me the tools and confidence I needed in the most flexible and relaxed manner. There is no pressure or race to a finish line - Molly meets you where you are. I learned to do the same, and finished our immersive with far more than the coaching and support I sought. Our time left me with a healthier approach toward my music and my life.”


  • "It's such a breath of fresh air!"


I’m interested - what’s next?

If you’re feeling a nudge to work together I’d love to invite you to book a call to explore what you want in your playing and what this work can do for you. Even if you’re not fully ready to commit right now, it’s worth having the conversation so you can get a sense of what it’s like to work with me and to get clear on what you’re looking for. I sincerely love these calls and the transformations that ensue. I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy, healthy, prosperous flutists

Being a stand for your art and moving unabashedly towards what you want will ripple out farther than you can ever know. The vitality and aliveness that result from committing to your true expression of music become proof to everyone around you that more is possible. This fuels a cascading sequence of generosity and benevolence that extends far beyond your individual goals.